Thursday, June 27, 2013

On 2:59 PM by Shambani Solutions   5 comments
Since the coming of the era of information & technology, ICT has played a great role in our society. The information Communication technology revolution has brought huge implication in both social and economic development in our world

Agriculture just like other sector has benefited from ICT revolution and the latest innovation in ICT has expanded the development of agriculture sector in different form. In large part of the world over millions house hold own TV and mobile phone which are used as the source of information to people in village and in the big cities,  the use of ICT in agriculture range from advanced modern technologies, such as GPS navigation, satellite communication, and wireless connectivity, to older technologies such as radio and television.
However, the rural people still lack basic communication infrastructure in accessing crucial information in order to make timely decisions. The application of ICT in agriculture generates possibilities to solve problems of rural people and also to promote the agricultural production by providing scientific information timely and directly to farmers. Here are some benefits of ICT in agriculture   

  • Introduction of mobile phones has brought about a tremendous change in agriculture sector resulting into dramatic improvement in the efficiency and profitability of the agriculture industry. The spread of mobile phone service allow farmer to land their product timely and directly to the market where wholesalers are ready to purchase them without presence of middle man. This situation reduced waste from between 5-8 per cent of total product to close to zero and increased average profitability by around 8 per cent.
  • Radio and television has been another input in communication technology used widely by many farmers, they have been used by farmers, entrepreneurs, extension workers and other stake holders to disseminate information on various innovation in agricultural technolog
  • The internet is also an emerging tool with potential to contribute in agriculture sector and in rural development. Internet enables rural communities stay up to date and to receive information about the market and other necessary information in the industry. Internet can facilitate dialogue among communities and help to share information between government planners, development agencies, researchers, and technical experts. The Internet has proven valuable for the development of agriculture in developing countries like Tanzania.
Farmers now need information about trend and technology needed in farming so as to produce more and participate effectively in setting price of their product. To make all this possible huge utilization of ICT must be taken as the first priority


  1. what the hell is that didn't help me at al!!!:|

  2. thank you for the information..

  3. That's good to know that use of IT in agriculture is growing rapidly from the past few years. This can help managers make better decisions.
