Monday, June 1, 2015

On 2:27 PM by Shambani Solutions   2 comments
The 3rd Tanzania Agribusiness Expo 2015 scheduled to take place on the 10th and 11th July 2015 at Selian Agricultural Research Institute (SARI). This year’s theme is ‘’Enhancing innovation in agribusiness to increase productivity and food security”.  

Interested individuals, Organizations, Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Consulting firms, Food Companies, Traders, Processors, Innovators, Development Organizations, Farmer Organizations, Seed companies, Media Companies and Learners are encouraged to participate in this event by filling the ATTACHED FORMS so as to book their space.

Also there are chances for sponsors and exhibitors to participate in this big event. For details on how to participate and benefits please see the forms attached.

For any queries Please CALL +255 718 664 645 or 0753 843 321 or email for more information about EAGC and previous Agribusiness expo visit

About the EAGC Agribusiness Expo

EAGC Agribusiness Expo is the region’s biggest agricultural business trade show which covers three countries-Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya which also bring stakeholders from across the world.

The Expo is a forum that will bring together all stakeholders from the closely linked sectors – agribusiness; telecommunication; banking; insurance; machinery among others to engage in dialogue with their clients, resulting in demand-driven products and services to satisfy the requirements of their clients.

Companies in the agricultural sector from seed companies, fertilizer, agric-equipment manufacturing companies, banks and other service providers will grace the occasion. Government, the private sector, donor community and other strategic partners in the agricultural sector are expected to attend the expo.

 The previous two years expo was attended by farmers, Traders, Researchers, Financial institute ( TIB Bank) and Seed companies. A total of twenty exhibitors eighteen from Tanzania and two from Kenya attended the event.

The objectives of EAGC Agribusiness expo include the following:

a) Promote a well functioning regional supply chain, focusing on trade issues affecting all sectors of the chain, and building a platform for reducing constraints in regional trade;

b) Build cooperation, interaction, partnerships, alliances, networks and market linkages;

c) Collect and manage market data, generate information exchange and share regional expertise

d) Promote investment in structured marketing systems including warehouse receipts and commodity exchanges

e) Act as the main certification authority in structured systems, and provide commercial services as needed

f) Recognize and support accepted principles of international codes of corporate conduct

g) Facilitate awareness of new technologies

h) Represent the regional membership at national, regional and international forums, and lead advocacy and lobbying actions for best interest of council members.
- See more and download form at:

The 3rd Tanzania Agribusiness Expo 2015 scheduled to take place on the 10th and 11th July 2015 at Selian Agricultural Research Institute (SARI). This year’s theme is ‘’Enhancing innovation in agribusiness to increase productivity and food security”.
Interested individuals, Organizations, Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Consulting firms, Food Companies, Traders, Processors, Innovators, Development Organizations, Farmer Organizations, Seed companies, Media Companies and Learners are encouraged to participate in this event by filling the ATTACHED FORMS so as to book their space.
Also there are chances for sponsors and exhibitors to participate in this big event. For details on how to participate and benefits please see the forms attached.
For any queries Please CALL +255 718 664 645 or 0753 843 321 or email for more information about EAGC and previous Agribusiness expo visit
About the EAGC Agribusiness Expo
EAGC Agribusiness Expo is the region’s biggest agricultural business trade show which covers three countries-Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya which also bring stakeholders from across the world.
The Expo is a forum that will bring together all stakeholders from the closely linked sectors – agribusiness; telecommunication; banking; insurance; machinery among others to engage in dialogue with their clients, resulting in demand-driven products and services to satisfy the requirements of their clients.
Companies in the agricultural sector from seed companies, fertilizer, agric-equipment manufacturing companies, banks and other service providers will grace the occasion. Government, the private sector, donor community and other strategic partners in the agricultural sector are expected to attend the expo.
 The previous two years expo was attended by farmers, Traders, Researchers, Financial institute ( TIB Bank) and Seed companies. A total of twenty exhibitors eighteen from Tanzania and two from Kenya attended the event.
The objectives of EAGC Agribusiness expo include the following:
a) Promote a well functioning regional supply chain, focusing on trade issues affecting all sectors of the chain, and building a platform for reducing constraints in regional trade;
b) Build cooperation, interaction, partnerships, alliances, networks and market linkages;
c) Collect and manage market data, generate information exchange and share regional expertise
d) Promote investment in structured marketing systems including warehouse receipts and commodity exchanges
e) Act as the main certification authority in structured systems, and provide commercial services as needed
f) Recognize and support accepted principles of international codes of corporate conduct
g) Facilitate awareness of new technologies
h) Represent the regional membership at national, regional and international forums, and lead advocacy and lobbying actions for best interest of council members.
- See more at:



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